The European Union Cannot Prevent the Big War That Now Threatens

As I compose this article the world is looking out for a choice by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague on the legitimateness of China's take-over of huge swathes of the South China Sea. It is nothing unexpected that China has not consented to participate in the global council which is relied upon to lead against it. Inside the contested domain it has now situated numerous warships and other military gear and is clearly getting set for a show-down. This is an immense stress as it has the sponsorship of Russia and the President, Xi Jinping, has as of late made a trip to different nations supporting help for his position. The nations most influenced incorporate Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Brunei, however the site being referred to is a well-utilized delivering course for exchange from and too every one of these countries. So what has the European Union done about this? Nothing! As a result it has no voice around there however Russia, which is a pie...