How to Live in Peace, Good Health and Live Longer Than the Richest People of the World

You do not need the Federal Reserve of the United States of America to live in peace, good health and live longer on earth. What you need to achieve this feat is the knowledge of catalog of intangible treasures without measure within you. You do not need to live in the Buckingham Palace of Great Britain or see the queen face to lead a good and peaceful life, rather you can take inventory of platitudes of treasures that mother nature of have enmeshed in you without measure. There abound within you empire of golden treasury that no currency of the world can afford. There is an abiding peace that sublimes into everything around you which the greatest of multimillionaires cannot afford you have goldmines of beautiful virtues and talents that no markets on earth ever showcase on sale.

Take inventory of what you have within you that money cannot buy, and roll in the bliss of satisfaction of long life without anxiety. If you correctly inventory your present treasures, you will find out that Mother Nature has blessed you more than many multimillionaires with:

Marital bliss without anxiety for divorce
Good associates who loves you for yourself and not for your money
Beautiful or handsome face and healthy body without pains or diseases.
Creative work that you do for fulfillment and satisfaction, and not necessary for money.

Peace of mind that passes all understanding from above to energize your mind, body and soul for longevity.
Love, happiness and healthy family of your own that money cannot buy.

Gift of life in the land of the livings is a blessing from God.
Good sleep at night without fear of terror or uncertainty.
Life free of worries about the stock market, financial markets and real estate uncertainties etc.
You cannot always equate success in life with money or material things of the universe. There are things life has impute into your account that the highest and greatest of multimillionaires do not have in his bank account. Even such is often denied to those who have millions. It is good that you regularly practice this mental inventory of your intangible and tangible treasures to stay ahead of others and possibly live longer than any rich person around.

Have you taken time to find out that Nature is selective in allocation of misfortune or misadventure to all so that there is always a constant equilibrium in the void. What sustains huge medical outfits across the globe is usually the uncommon diseases or sicknesses of the rich and few of the poor, but somehow related to a rich source. It is common to find heart diseases, high blood pressure, cancer, kidney failures, cancer of the lungs, and others among the richest people of the world. Such sense not usually among the poor of the world. It is not an attempt to generalize that every rich person must have diseases or sickness. There are many rich people without an atom of any ailment and live into the fullness of their years on earth. Therefore, you can choose the face of die suitable to you and go through life with confidence and profound candor. It is also important to note that diseases or sickness cannot kill a man who lived his life purposefully. The body can go down six feet in the grave, and the man of purpose continues to spawn the graves of men minds. Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Charles Darwin, Sir Isaac Newton, and the list continues still

live in the minds of men from generation to generation for the purposes they represented in the history of mankind on earth.

You can surely live longer in peace and good healthy if you key into living for a definite purpose than for doing things to earn money. Your satisfaction will know no boundaries and you will continuously experience unlimited supply of God divine providence. This way- you will never have to depend on the economic forces of demand and supply as the richest people of the world does to continue existence.


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